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Keys to Rare Earth Companies’ Success: Innovation, Cost Efficiency Tue, 22 Jan 2013 09:55:26 +0800

Geologist Alex Knox followed rare earths before they were Wall Street’s darlings, and continues to do so, having seen stormy weather in this industry before. Demand for rare earths remains; it’s just a question of who can supply them first – and at what cost?  In this interview with The Metals Report, Knox tells investors what questions the...

What is the present Albania chrome ore market now Fri, 04 Jan 2013 16:39:31 +0800

Interview with Mr. Samant Kumar provided for Albania chrome ore : What is the present chrome ore market now?   Mining Bulletin: Thank you for accepting this interview.  Samant Kumar: Welcome. Mining Bulletin:  Dear Mr. Samant Kumar, as we know, you are in minerals and metal market. And now you also doing A...

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